Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Saving Money At The Pump

By: Simon Harris

Gas prices are higher than ever, so you're likely to see more
advertising for "gas-saving" products. Yes, we want to improve
on fuel efficiency, but are these products really helping? Or
are they just taking an extra bite out of our already shrinking
car budget?

The truth is, you should be suspicious of any gas-saving claims
for certain devices or oil and gas additives. Even for the few
gas-saving products that have been found to work, the savings
have been miniscule.

You'll see all sorts of claims and testimonies. "This gas-saving
product improves fuel economy by 20 percent." Yeah, yeah.
Actually, the EPA has tested over 100 of these supposed gas
saving doo-hickies, and none of them were found to do the job

Some of the products can even damage your car. So much for cost
savings! Please be skeptical of advertising claims for gas
saving devices.

Here's another quote you might read. "This gas-saving device is
approved by the Federal government." Actually, no government
agency endorses gas-saving products for cars. If the seller
claims the EPA has evaluated its product, ask for a copy of the
report, or check for information.
Ah, I love the power of the internet.

If you want to save money at the pump, try these tips. They'll
serve you much better than some snake oil product.

Buy only the octane level gas you need.

The faster you drive, the more fuel you use. It's a fact.

Use overdrive gears during highway driving. This also saves wear
on your engine.

Use cruise control on highway trips.

Avoid unnecessary braking and acceleration. That means no
tailgating! This tip alone can improve your fuel economy by 5 to
10 percent. Sudden starts and sudden stops are wasteful, not to
mention the barf factor involved for those of us who get car

Unnecessary idling wastes fuel.

Avoid carrying excess weight in your trunk.

Keep your engine tuned. Engine troubles can increase fuel
consumption by as much as 10 to 20 percent.

Make sure your tires are properly inflated and aligned. Check
them once a month. Under-inflated tires increases fuel
consumption by six percent.

Change your oil.

Check and replace air filters regularly. Clogged filters can
cause up to a 10 percent increase in fuel consumption.

There's no need to buy products that cost you more money than
they save. These little fuel saving tips can add up to an extra
hundred bucks or so in your pocket each year!

About the author:
This article courtesy of

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